How to Find Niche-Relevant Backlinks via Blogger Outreach

If you are having a hard time reaching the first page of the search engine results page (SERP),  having backlinks via blogger outreach can be the solution to your problem.

SEO is not as easy as it used to be. If you think that finding your niche and knowing the right keywords are enough, you are wrong. To make search engines, such as Google, trust your site, there should be some third-party websites linking back to your page.

These links will build your credibility and will likely improve your ranking on the SERP.

What Is Blogger Outreach

Before learning how you can use blogger outreach for these SEO backlinks, you should know what it is first. Blogger relations is another term for blogger outreach. It is a marketing type where you make use of the well-established bloggers’ fan-base for your exposure.

Various businesses leverage blogger outreach to promote their campaigns. These businesses work with these influencers to promote their products or services.

As for you, who is a less-known or new blogger, you can leverage the blogger outreach to your benefit. By reaching out to these famous influencers with a huge fan base, you can optimize your web page. You can do it by reaching out to them and ask them if you can create a guest blog or other content.

How to Ask for Backlinks on Blogger

Now that you know what the blogger outreach can do for your website or blog, it is time to learn some pointers on how to ask for backlinks. Here are some tips.

  • Give back the favor
  • Follow the blogs of the influencer.
  • Do not spam.
  • Do not go for trending influencers
  • Be professional
  • Build a relationship
  • Flatter them

If you reach out to an influencer for a backlink, you are asking for a favor. It is an unwritten law that you should always return the favor. You can give the influencer a free copy of your book or other products that he or she might enjoy.

Also, if you want to ask an influencer, make sure to know more about this person. The best thing to be knowledgeable is to follow the blogs. If you know what is going on in the blogger’s blog, you can build a rapport with this person.

If the blogger turns you down, accept it. Do not spam this person with more requests because it is a useless effort. It will also annoy the blogger more, which only gives him or her the reason to turn you down even more.

Do not go for trending influencers. Most likely, businesses and other content creators flood them with requests. Go for bloggers with a stable and large fan base that is within your niche.

SEO nowadays is extremely competitive. You have to face the fact that you need help from those people who made it on top. Therefore, you need to be proactive and ask backlinks via blogger outreach.