Beginner’s Tips to Maintain a Dedicated Server

When you think of a Dedicated Server, the first thing that will cross your mind is, it is expensive, and hence, the cost of maintaining it would also be high. The truth is, it isn’t. Once your Dedicated Hosting Server and hardware are finalized, then the next agenda is to create a schedule for the maintenance of the server.

Regular maintenance of a hosting server is necessary because it allows the computer network to function smoothly and avoid downtime or loss of data as well as a total or partial network failure.

Today, we will share some tips to help beginners maintain a Dedicated Hosting Server.

How to maintain a Dedicated Hosting Server?

1. Update the Operating System

Usually, when software companies find out there is a weakness in the operating system, they release updates. These updates are important, because they improve the stability of the software, and automatically remove outdated features. If the software is outdated, it has the threat of virus attacks and malware infections. Also, not to forget that old OS is more prone to attack by hackers, as it often lacks the necessary security patches. To ensure that your systems function optimally, regularly updating your Operating System is necessary.

2. Always take Back Up

Backup is the process of creating a copy of the data that you can use if the original data is lost. Irrespective of how small or big your business is, data backup is needed. If your system crashes, or it has been prone to a cyber-attack, retrieval of data becomes easy when regular backups are in place. A File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a type of backup that is commonly used. It has a recent copy of your data stored elsewhere and can be easily retrieved. You can also opt for automated backup solutions like CodeGuard to automate your backup process.

3. Install anti-malware software and update it regularly

Always ensure that your Dedicated Server is protected from viruses and malware. Anti-malware software and applications help to stop malware attacks, by scanning all data for malicious software if any. A virus attack can bring down the whole server. The full root access to the server allows you to install any compatible software to a Dedicated Server. Hence it is advisable, that these security applications are installed and are updated at regular intervals, as they can help you address possible threats to the Dedicated Server. You can opt for cloud-based security solutions like SiteLock for your hosting server.

4. Change Passwords Regularly

When you use the same password for months together or use an easy-to-guess password, you make it easy for a hacker to brute-force their way into your server. Make it a practice to regularly change your passwords, at least once a month. If need be, you can set a reminder to change your server access panel password. Also, remember to use a complicated password that comprises alphabets, numbers and special characters. It may seem difficult to remember and arduous to input every time; however, it helps against hacking attempts. Going that extra mile will only help you in the long run.


A Dedicated Server can benefit your business in many ways. However, merely buying the service is not enough. You need to be vigilant at all times and ensure that your Dedicated Server is efficiently maintained with timely backups and updates. Failure in doing so will jeopardize the integrity of the whole network. If you are managing your Dedicated Server on your own, the onus is on you to make sure that you have regular server maintenance routine checks, for the upkeep of your server. Follow the above tips to keep your Dedicated Server well-functioning and secured.