A New Technology to Help Your Manage Employee Burnout

Workplace burnout is a common mental health concern that you can find in any workplace, regardless of the nature of their work. Anyone who experiences stress is vulnerable to burnout, so every workplace needs to have preventive measures to avoid employee burnout. That’s because those who experience workplace burnout are more than likely to seek a new job. In addition, even those who work from home can still experience burnout for many external factors, such as the pandemic. So if you want a more innovative way of handling stress and prevent burnout in the workplace, you can always check out Mello.

Mello is a new technology, which you can integrate with Slack, and it will be available in Discord, Teams, and Google soon. Its goal is to measure, track, and take action on well-being, and it can successfully improve the overall wellness of your employees.

Improves Overall Employee Well-Being 

Mello’s mission is to inspire and drive motivation into healthier teams. It asks a series of questions, which employees can answer anonymously. Mello will use this information to determine if their department is in danger of experiencing complete burnout. It also provides scientifically-backed burnout scores, which are personalized depending on each employee’s results. You will also gain access to accurate data and statistics, both individually and on a team level. Once you see the data, you can start taking action to prevent your employees from suffering from an unhealthy workplace environment.

If you want to nurture your go-getters and avoid losing them, you have to give them a reason to be satisfied and happy with your company. There are many suggestions that Mello can provide, which you can follow. 

Keeping Your Employees Happy & Satisfied

When you use Mello for your team, it will be easier for you to determine if an employee is close to burnout. Using the data that Mello can get from your employees will show you who or what team is in the Mello Zone. In cases like these, you will receive a list of suggestions, which you can follow. First, you should communicate with your employees. You can also meet with their manager, remind them about the new benefits, and many more. 

With Mello, it will be easier to nurture your existing employees. Mello can drive 2x employee retention, increase overall well being and satisfaction by 25%, and increase employee engagement by 25% too. Give them a reason to stay with your company, and do your best to put preventive measures in place to reduce workplace burnout.