Finer Details for Buying the Backlinks Now

To boost your SEO natural SEO, it is appropriate to gain authority and therefore get backlinks. Backlinks are proof that your website is worth visiting and showcasing. However, it is not easy to get free and quality backlinks. Rather than buying expensive and not necessarily very relevant links, or even getting low quality links that can harm you, there is a fairly simple solution: to create good quality and relevant content . Simple in appearance, it requires a real work and an editorial reflection as much on the substance as on the form. We will focus mainly on the form in this article. To buy backlinks this is the best deal now.

  1. List Useful Resources

Not very original you tell me! List useful resources is a fairly basic action but allows your audience to choose between two tools, two services or products or even to discover new tools. Meeting a need remains an asset to attract both traffic but also backlinks. A list of resources is the result of often tedious work. Some sites prefer to redirect to your content and your website rather than “wasting time” writing a similar list.

  • A blog article listing all the tools useful for SEO is a way to list useful resources and get backlinks. This job can be simplified: name of the resource, its advantages and disadvantages.
  1. Propose A Free Tool

The free tool is probably one of the best backlink vacuums in this list. With resources and the right idea, you can create a free tool that meets a direct need for the user. For example, the comparator of credits and insurance Empruntis offers a free tool to calculate its debt ratio. This allows it to position itself as a first result on the “Calculation rate indebtedness” request with several thousands of monthly requests thanks to numerous backlinks.

It also boosts its conversion rate by collecting vital information on leads.

  1. Create Powerful Infographics

Image media is very popular. It attracts visibility of the message, its attractiveness and commitment.

  • + 42% clickthrough rate on an emailing with an image
  • + 89% of favorites and +150% of Retweets on Tweets with an image
  • +130% commitment on a Facebook post with an image
  • earn backlinks: Create compelling infographics -1st position

Creating infographics with readable and useful numbers for larger numbers increases the chances of having large numbers of backlinks without paying the least euro. An infographic is usually shared on blogs, sites, and social networks that always draws more people to you. The work of a graphic designer can boost your SEO.

  1. Write A White Paper, An Ebook

A white paper or an ebook is a longer, richer guide than a blog post or a page on a website. By writing a qualitative ebook, you will gain notoriety on the content. This notoriety will quickly turn into a plus point for SEO SEO with backlinks. You will climb easily on the SERP and increase your traffic. Find tips for writing a white paper with Markentive.

  1. Propose A Practical Guide Or Tutorial

The practical guide goes like a white paper or an ebook to make life easier for Internet users. Some websites will integrate some parts and thus relay your content and creating backlinks to the original content. A practical guide can take the form of a detailed blog article or a video of the tutorial type. Depending on the complexity and the topic, your site will get good quality backlinks. Remember that it’s the quality of the content that will increase your chances.

With the new Google Penguin algorithm, buying links depreciates SEO. To win positions, it is better to bet on the quality of its content. Set up one or more types of content listed to earn free backlinks. The 1st Position SEO agency supports you in writing content optimized for the web.